My Navion, N5221K
1950 Ryan Navion B, s/n NAV-4-2121B

The B model was marketed as the Super 260, it came from the factory with a geared Lycoming GO-435 engine of 260 HP. Mine was originally sold to Markle Steel Company in Houston, TX. It changed hands many times before I bought it, leaving Texas and then returning. The second previous owner to me had it based in Beaumont and Conroe, Texas. Oddly enough, I remember seeing it in Conroe before I started looking for a Navion. My hangar mate previously lived in Beaumont and also remembers it there. From Conroe it was sold to an east coast airline pilot who took it to Florida. I found it there and brought it back to Texas yet again. At the time I bought it, it had been upgraded with a 295 HP, Lycoming GO-480 and a huge (8' dia.) 3-blade Hartzell propeller.


The plane has been in a continual state of evolution. The pictures show the changes from the way I bought it to present day.

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